Products>Catholic Church and Ecclesiology Collection (6 vols.)

Catholic Church and Ecclesiology Collection (6 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.



Dig into Catholic ecclesiology, the Sacraments, and the organization of the Catholic Church with the Catholic Church and Ecclesiology Collection. This collection is designed to help readers study and understand all levels of Catholic religious and lay life, from the catechumen, the laity, the priesthood, the bishopric, right up to the papacy. These volumes enlighten and teach on Catholic doctrine and practices, bridging the profound teachings of Vatican II with Catholic Tradition that reaches centuries back. Your study of the Catholic Mass, the Holy Orders, and the papacy will not be complete without these quintessential volumes.

The Logos digital edition of these volumes brings incredible value to your library. Bible and Catechism references appear on mouseover and references to Vatican documents you own (as well as other books in your library) link directly to the page cited, allowing you to jump deeper into your studies. All of these volumes are fully searchable, allowing you to instantly find references you need when you’re looking for answers.

Key Features

  • Explains post-Vatican II Catholic practice and teaching on Mass and the priesthood
  • Provides apologetics on the Sacraments and the Mass
  • Explores Pope John Paul II’s encyclicals and papacy

Product Details

  • Title: Catholic Church and Ecclesiology Collection
  • Publisher: Emmaus Road Publishing
  • Volumes: 6
  • Pages: 1,176
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
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4 ratings

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  1. Ordice Gallups, Obl.S.B.
  2. el mcclintic

    el mcclintic


  3. Deacon Tim Johnson
  4. Dave Crosby

    Dave Crosby

