Products>Catholic Virtue and Holiness Collection (7 vols.)

Catholic Virtue and Holiness Collection (7 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Discover and apply the principles of virtue and holiness through these essential Catholic books from Emmaus Road. This collection provides practical insight on transformational practices in character for men and women who are seeking to be more like Christ. Learn from the experts and the saints with methods, practices, and examples of how to enrich your life with holiness and the love of God.

The Logos edition of these volumes allows you to study even further. Connect with the Catechism, the Bible, and the writings of the saints every time they are mentioned in the text. Footnotes, Bible references, and cross-references appear on mouseover, allowing you to dive right into the resources that support what you’re reading.

Key Features

  • Explores examples of holiness in the lives of laypeople and priests
  • Provides insight to deeper prayer and devotional life
  • Restores hope for those desiring integrity and virtue in this life

Product Details

  • Title: Catholic Virtue and Holiness Collection (7 vols.)
  • Publisher: Emmaus Road Publishing
  • Volumes: 7
  • Pages: 1,620
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