Products>The Chosen: Come and See: a novel based on Season 2 of the critically acclaimed TV series

The Chosen: Come and See: a novel based on Season 2 of the critically acclaimed TV series


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As Jesus’ ministry grew, more and more people wanted to hear and be healed by this man claiming to be the Messiah. Some were eager; others were critical and reluctant. All, by encountering Jesus, were forever changed.
Follow along with Jesus’ disciples as they witness miraculous healings, confrontations with the religious establishment, growing concern among Roman officials over Jesus’ popularity, and, most of all, love personified.
Based on the acclaimed TV series, The Chosen, the most amazing story ever told—the life of Jesus—gets a fresh, new telling from New York Times bestselling author Jerry B. Jenkins.

The Chosen: Come and See captures all the action and drama in season two of The Chosen TV series. But it does much more than reflect the show. It also takes us into the backstory, thoughts, and motivations of key characters like Simon (who will later be called Peter), Matthew, Philip, Mary Magdalene, Simon the Zealot, and others. It helps us see them even more as very real, very human, and very much like us.

Jerry Bruce Jenkins is an American novelist and biographer. He is best known as co-author of the Left Behind series of books with Tim LaHaye, Jenkins has written over 150 books, including romance novels, mysteries, and children’s adventures, as well as non-fiction. His works usually feature evangelical Christians as protagonists. In 2005, Jenkins and LaHaye ranked 9th in Amazon. com’s 10th Anniversary Hall of Fame authors ranked according to the largest numbers of books sold at Amazon.


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