Products>Hiking Waterfalls New England: A Guide to the Region's Best Waterfall Hikes

Hiking Waterfalls New England: A Guide to the Region's Best Waterfall Hikes

ISBN: 9781493063611


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Fully revised and updated, Hiking Waterfalls New England includes detailed hike descriptions, maps, and color photos for approximately 100 of the most scenic waterfall hikes in the region. Hike descriptions also include history, local trivia, and GPS coordinates. Hiking Waterfalls New England will take you through state and national parks, forests, monuments and wilderness areas, and from popular city parks to the most remote and secluded corners of the area to view the most spectacular waterfalls.

  • Title: Hiking Waterfalls New England: A Guide to the Region's Best Waterfall Hikes
  • Author: Eli Burakian
  • Publisher: Falcon Guides
  • Print Publication Date: 2022
  • Logos Release Date: 2022
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Ebook
  • ISBNs: 9781493063611, 9781493063604, 149306360X, 1493063618
  • Resource ID: LLS:9781493063611
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-08-30T05:20:06Z

Eli Burakian, a professional photographer, avid hiker and ultra-runner has written and photographed numerous books about the outdoors, with a focus on hiking in New England. His FalconGuides include Basic Illustrated Snowshoeing, Hiking the Waterfalls of New England and Best Easy Day Hikes Green Mountains. Eli is also the author and photographer of Moosilauke – Portrait of a Mountain, a coffee-table style book covering one of New Hampshire’s most iconic mountains. Eli lives in Windsor, Vermont and works full-time as the Dartmouth College Photographer in Hanover, New Hampshire.


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