The Foundation of Australia’s Capital Cities is the story of how the places chosen for Australia’s seven colonial capitals came to shape their unique urban character and built environments. Tony Webster traces the effects of each city’s geologically diverse coastal or riverine landform and the local natural materials that were available for construction, highlighting how the geology and original landforms resulted in development patterns that have persisted today.
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Chapter 1. Sandstone Harbor: Sydney, New South Wales, 1788
Chapter 2. On the Edge of the Graben: Hobart, Van Diemen’s Land 1803-04
Chapter 3. Ridgelines and Waterways: Brisbane, Queensland, 1825
Chapter 4. Limestone and Lakes: Perth, Western Australia, 1829
Chapter 5. On the Edge of the Delta: Melbourne, Victoria, 1835
Chapter 6. The Woodland Plain: Adelaide, South Australia, 1836
Chapter 7. The Northern Outpost: Darwin, Northern Territory, 1869
Chapter 8. Geology, Landscape and Australian Cities
Webster has adopted a novel and extremely interesting approach in this book, which discusses the siting of the major cities of Australia. Tony has blended a plethora of rich historical accounts with a detailed discussion of the controlling local features of water supply, physiography, landscape and geology to provide a comprehensive and thought provoking account of the establishment and growth of our capital cities. I can highly recommend this book to all who are interested in Australian settlement history and the factors that affected the establishment of our major urban centres.
This book may prove useful as an introduction to understanding the foundation of Australian capital cities for those who have little existing knowledge, and it could help those with an existing knowledge to acquire a better comprehension of the role of the natural environment in Australia’s human history.
[This] book contributes to understanding the foundation of Australian capital cities and the important role of geology in Australia’s human history, particularly since European settlement. The factors that most influenced the growth of Australian settlements are likely to have operated elsewhere in the world and may provide guidance for the study of other cities founded by settler groups. The book may even have applications in the study of cities established in earlier eras for which detailed historic records are not available.
Anthony (Tony) Webster is adjunct senior lecturer of geology at the Centre for Ore Deposits and Earth Sciences (CODES), University of Tasmania and honorary senior research fellow at the Sustainable Minerals Institute (SMI), University of Queensland.