Products>The Leadership Lessons of Jesus

The Leadership Lessons of Jesus

, 1997
ISBN: 9780805456899

Digital Logos Edition

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Jesus had no paid staff or sales and marketing department behind him, yet he inspired others to carry His message around the world. Simply put, he was the greatest, most inspiring leader in history.

This Faithlife Ebook is being made into a Logos edition. Learn more about Logos editions.

Top Highlights

“But a leader must have the ability to evaluate a situation on the spot, to get a feel for what is taking place, and to make the situation work for good.” (source)

“A leader knows how to turn the unexpected into advances for his cause.” (source)

“Prayer is where the battles of life are won and lost.” (source)

“Jesus evidently was recharged and energized by his time of prayer and solitude, ready to move on and tackle the job ahead. Prayer and solitude do not cut into a leader's time or lessen his or her effectiveness; rather, they add to and multiply that effectiveness.” (source)

“By removing obstacles to their focus, you enable your followers to concentrate on their given tasks. As strange as it may seem, the surest way for a leader to succeed is to put others first, including the families of those he leads.” (source)

Product Details

  • Title : The Leadership Lessons of Jesus
  • Authors:
    • Briner, Bob
    • Pritchard, Ray
  • Publisher: B&H Books
  • Publication Date: 1997
  • ISBN: 9780805456899


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