Products>Liberty: Don Troiani's Paintings of the Revolutionary War

Liberty: Don Troiani's Paintings of the Revolutionary War


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Using a masterful combination of “artistry and accuracy” (New York Times),nationally renowned historical artist Don Troiani has dedicated much of his career to transforming the modern understanding of what the Revolutionary War truly looked like. His research-based paintings capture the reality and drama of crucial moments such as the 1775 Battle of Bunker Hill, General Washington’s daring 1776 attack on Trenton, and the American and French victory at Yorktown in 1781.

Liberty: Don Troiani’s Paintings of the Revolutionary War, the book that serves as catalog for the exhibit of Troiani’s work at the Museum of the American Revolution, highlights the most pivotal events of America’s fight for independence and reveals Troiani’s research-based artistic process. For the first time in a museum, this special exhibition brings together over forty of Troiani’s original Revolutionary War paintings and pairs them with forty artifacts from his personal collection, that of the Museum, and several private collectors.

The exhibit and the book unveil Troiani’s latest canvas, a painting of the young African American sailor and Philadelphian James Forten witnessing Black and Native American troops in the ranks of the Continental Army as they march past Independence Hall on their way to Yorktown, Virginia.The painting was commissioned in 2019 by the Museum with funding provided by the Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route National Historic Trail of the National Park Service.

The exhibit will be open from October 16, 2021 to September 5, 2022.

Liberty: Don Troiani’s Paintings of the Revolutionary War


Preface by Don Troiani


Introduction by Philip Mead, Ph.D.

Chapter 1: Let It Begin Here

o Chapter Introduction by Matthew Skic

o Troiani Paintings

▪The Boston Massacre, March 5, 1770 with artist comment

▪Lexington Common, April 19, 1775 with artist comment

▪The Royal Regiment of Artillery, 1775

▪52nd Regiment of Foot, Grenadier Company, Private, 1775

▪Minute Man, Massachusetts Militia, 1775

▪Concord Bridge, The Nineteenth of April, 1775 with artist comment

▪Battle of Bunker Hill with artist comment

▪The Redoubt, Battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775 with artist comment

▪A Soldier of Lord Dunmore's Ethiopian Regiment, 1775

o Historical Objects/Artwork

▪ Paul Revere engraving of the Boston Massacre- APS/GL/MHS/Dietrich American


▪ British “Broad Arrow” cannonball- Troiani

▪ British Marine belt plate- Troiani

▪ 23rd Regiment Hanger- MoAR

▪ Samuel McClellan fowling piece- Hendelson

▪ British grenadier cap- Troiani

Chapter 2: The Times That Try Men’s Souls

o Chapter Introduction by Matthew Skic

o Troiani Paintings

▪Nathan Hale, September 22, 1776 with artist comment

▪Gentleman-Trooper, Hyde's Troop, Backus's Regiment of Connecticut Light

Horse, 1776

▪A Grenadier of the 26th Continental Infantry, 1776

▪Mantz's Rifle Company of Frederick, Maryland, Flying Camp, 1776

▪Hesse Kassel Grenadier of the 3rd Garde Battalion, 1776

▪Mounted Trumpeter, British 17th Light Dragoons, 1776

▪Margaret Corbin, Fort Washington with artist comment

▪Victory or Death, Advance on Trenton with artist comment

▪Battle of Trenton, December 26, 1776 with artist comment

▪2nd Battalion Philadelphia Associators, 1776

▪Washington at the Battle of Princeton, 1777 with artist comment

▪British 17th Light Dragoon Private, Philadelphia Campaign, 1777-1778

▪Ferguson's Corps of British Riflemen, 1777

▪Pennsylvania State Regiment, Private, 1777

o Historical Objects/Artwork

▪ Benjamin Fogg’s Cartridge Box- Troiani

▪ New Jersey Soldier’s Canteen- Troiani

▪ James King Sword- Hendelson

▪ Mersereau Powder Horn- Rocky Hill Collection

▪ Alexander Murray’s Military Instruction Book- MoAR

▪ Henry Bicker’s Epaulet- Troiani

▪ Hessian Cap Fragment- MoAR

▪ Brunswick Musket- Troiani

▪ Hessian Hanger- Troiani

▪ Hessian Flag Tassel- First City Troop

▪ Hessian Flag Finial- Troiani

▪ Piece of Hessian Flag- MoAR

▪ Trenton Campaign Map- MoAR

Chapter 3: Victories in the North

o Chapter Introduction by Matthew Skic

o Troiani Paintings

▪The Oneida at the Battle of Oriskany, August 6, 1777 with artist comment

▪Hesse Hanau Jager, 1776-1777

▪Brunswick Broadswords, The Brunswick Dragoons at the Battle of Bennington with

artist comment

▪Freeman's Farm with artist comment

▪53rd Regiment of Foot Private, 1777

▪Sergeant, Grenadier, Royal Highland Emigrants 2nd Battalion, 1777

▪Morgan's Rifles with artist comment

▪A Soldier of the 8th Massachusetts Regiment, 1777

▪Breymann's Redoubt, Battle of Saratoga, 1777 with artist comment

o Historical Objects/Artwork

▪ 62nd Cartridge box- Troiani

▪ Brunswick broadsword- Troiani

▪ Brunswick gorget- Troiani

▪ Brunswick belt plate- Troiani

▪ Oerter rifle- PSSR

▪ Jeremiah Fogg sword- Hendelson

▪ Micah Hoit's Powder Horn- Troiani

Chapter 4: Stalemate

o Chapter Introduction by Matthew Skic

o Troiani Paintings

▪Molly Pitcher, Battle of Monmouth, 1778 with artist comment

▪Battle of Kingsbridge (Stockbridge Indian Massacre) with artist comment

▪Ambush in Westchester 1778 with artist comment

▪Hesse Hanau Artillery Drummer 1781, Parade Dress

o Historical Objects/Artwork

▪ New Construction Cartridge Box- Troiani

▪ British 29-hole Cartridge Box- Troiani

▪ British Canteen- Troiani

▪ British Short Land Musket, marked to 57th Regiment- Troiani

▪ USTATES Canteen- MoAR

▪ French USTATES Musket- MoAR

Chapter 5: War in the South

o Chapter Introduction by Matthew Skic

o Troiani Paintings

▪The Battle of King's Mountain, October 7, 1780 with artist comment

▪Trooper, Nelson's Virginia Corps of State Cavalry, 1780-1781

▪Battle of Guilford Courthouse with artist comment

Chapter 6: Victory at Yorktown

o Chapter Introduction by Matthew Skic

o Troiani Paintings

▪Brave Men as Ever Fought with artist comment

▪The Battle of the Hook, 1781 with artist comment

▪Artillery of Independence, Siege of Yorktown, Virginia, October 9, 1781 with artist


▪French Grenadiers, Gatinois Regiment, Yorktown, 1781

▪Victory at Yorktown with artist comment

▪The Veteran's Return with artist comment

o Historical Objects/Artwork

▪ Bauman map- MoAR

▪ Davenport Epaulettes- MoAR

▪ Copy of JPM’s memoir- MoAR

NetGalley Review: 4 stars

Last updated on 02 Sep 2021

"As a history buff I was really looking forward to reading this book. I was amazed at the beautiful paintings and riveting story told about the Revolutionary War. Both for historical context and from a view point of a lover of art, this book fulfils all aspects. I would definitely recommend this book. I received an e-book from NetGalley in return for an unbiased review. Thank you NetGalley!"—Sandra Berryman, reviewer at Berryman Fine Books

NetGalley Review 5 stars

Last updated on 02 Sep 2021

"What an excellent companion to what I'm sure will be an amazing exhibit! It will be a wonderful take-home for those fortunate enough to visit, and a great taste of the exhibit for those who won't be able to make it.

The art is beautifully presented and so very detailed and vivid, but what's really neat is that there are pretty much 4 separate threads in this book and each one is as interesting as the last. Not only is it a display of Troiani's art, it's also a wonderfully-told Revolutionary War history, an exhibit of war artifacts, and a behind-the-scenes peek at the artist's process. The history lessons are imparted as compelling and personal stories rather than dry recitations of facts, so it's very easy to connect and learn from this book. "

— L Gage, educator at BookWorks

NetGalley Review: 5 stars

Last updated on 05 Sep 2021

"This is a well done book with the excellent paintings of the Revolutionary War depicting different battles and individual uniforms worn by both sides. The author took great care if finding artifacts to accurately show them in his paintings along with visiting the various sites at the same time of the year as when they took place and making sketches using the same light as when the event happened. The descriptions of the battles are an overview of the actual conflict, but the author describes the detail and care taken with each painting."

—Casey Wheeler, reviewer at Columbia Pacific Food Bank

NetGalley Review: 4 stars

Last updated on 26 Sep 2021

"One of the biggest tragedies of the coronavirus pandemic was the closure of the nation’s museums. Museums are a rich source of supplemental education for students in all types of schools including public, private, and homeschool. They also drive travel and tourism and provide entertainment for families and adults. Many museums that were in states with more restrictive coronavirus policies had to get creative in order to continue reaching the public. Finally after approximately 18 months things are getting back to normal for an industry that survives largely by the number of visitors that come through the door and government and philanthropic support.

The Museum of the American Revolution is now open daily and on October 16, 2021 will launch a new exhibit entitled Liberty: Don Troiani’s Paintings of the Revolutionary War. It includes 40 of Troiani’s Revolutionary War paintings, his personal artifacts, and artifacts from the museum and other collectors. The paintings include major battles like the 1776 attack on Trenton and Battle of Yorktown and lesser known battles like the Battle of Kingsbridge. The exhibit also has a companion book of the same name that includes descriptions of the artifacts, scenes depicted in the paintings and Troiani’s research and painting process.

In addition to written narratives, art is one of the most important tools used by historians to bring history to life. According to his website, Troiani is a “traditional academic realist painter well known for his extremely accurate historical and military paintings mostly of the Civil War and American Revolution.” His paintings in Liberty range from solo pictures of Continental, British, and Native American soldiers to complex battle scenes that include remarkable detail. He uses a variety of methods to provide as realistic portrayals as possible like using models in traditional colonial military dress and visiting battlefields. The narratives that accompany each painting provide important context for readers.

Troiani’s work is visually stunning. One of the most captivating paintings, Victory or Death, Advance on Trenton, reflects the grueling trudge into Trenton after the Continental Army crossed the Delaware on Christmas Day in 1776. Troiani captures the harsh weather conditions, fatigue, and determination of the army all at once. You also get a sense of what an incredible logistical feat the crossing must have been with the mix of men, horses, and artillery that were necessary for the attack. The details in the solo paintings are equally brilliant as he clearly tries to provide an accurate depiction of the various uniforms and spirit of the subjects.

This review is based on an advance review copy. Liberty can be purchased October 1, 2021 on the Museum of the American Revolution website. It is available on Amazon and at Barnes & Noble on October 14, 2021."—Lynn White, reviewer at Nathan's Papers

NetGalley Review: 5 stars

Last updated on 07 Oct 2021

"What happens when you combine art and history? You get this beautifully informative story of the Revolutionary War. There are so many nuggets of information to digest: battles, locations, weapons, types of soldiers. I learned so many things and was compelled to keep turning pages because the images and colors were so captivating. I found myself just staring at some of the images, trying to take in all the details and imagining what each person was experiencing. This would be an excellent addition to any classroom, library, or home shelf. Don Troiani is a truly gifted artist.

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher via NetGalley and all opinions expressed are my own, freely given."—Brandi Rawlins, consumer reviewer

Don Troiani is well known for his extremely accurate historical and military paintings, scenes of great characters and grand action that have defined America's military heritage. An expert researcher with an extensive library and impressive private artifact study collections of Civil War, War of 1812, Revolutionary War, and World War II uniforms, equipage, insignia, and weapons, he has served as a consultant on films, including Cold Mountain and Night at the Museum 3, and television programs. His work has appeared in many publications and is represented in the collections of numerous museums, including the Smithsonian's Museum of History and Technology, the U.S. Marine Corps Museum, and the National Museum of African American History and Culture. His ten books published over the last twenty-five years and still in print have sold more than 200,000 copies. He lives in Southbury, Connecticut.

The Museum of the American Revolution, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, uncovers and shares compelling stories about the diverse people and complex events that sparked America’s ongoing experiment in liberty, equality, and self-government. Through the Museum’s unmatched collection, immersive galleries, powerful theater experiences, and interactive elements, visitors gain a deeper appreciation for how this nation came to be and feel inspired to consider their role in ensuring that the promise of the American Revolution endures. For more information, visit


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