Products>The Queen and the Heretic: How two women changed the religion of England

The Queen and the Heretic: How two women changed the religion of England

ISBN: 9780745968810


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The dual biography of two remarkable women - Catherine Parr and Anne Askew. One was the last queen of a powerful monarch, the second a countrywoman from Lincolnshire. But they were joined together in their love for the new learning - and their adherence to Protestantism threatened both their lives. Both women wrote about their faith, and their writings are still with us. Powerful men at court sought to bring Catherine down, and used Anne Askew's notoriety as a weapon in that battle. Queen Catherine Parr survived, while Anne Askew, the only woman to be racked, was burned to death. This book explores their lives, and the way of life for women from various social strata in Tudor England.

Catherine Parr and Anne Askew: united in faith and danger, divided in death.

Preface vii
Part 1: Before
1. A Studious Young Lady 1
2. Of Daughters and Wives 11
3. The Great Ruffling 21
4. Conversion 34
5. Three Weddings and a Funeral 54
Part 2: The Crisis
6. Thunder Round the Throne 71
7. Divorce 82
8. The Year of Crisis 103
9. Condemned by the Law 121
10. Instant Desire 144
Part 3: After
11. Catherine and Anne in Historical Perspective 175
Bibliography 193
Index 195

Product Details

  • Title : Queen and Heretic
  • Author: Wilson, Derek
  • Publisher: Lion Books
  • Publication Date: 2018
  • ISBN: 9780745968810


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