Digital Logos Edition
Scripture is a transformative, unfolding Word that’s shapes and changes its readers. Too often, however, the Bible can be misunderstood or hard to comprehend: How does the Bible, with its various authors, genres, and style, separated by hundreds of years, tell a single story?
In The Unfolding Word, Zach Keele helps readers understand the narrative shape of the Bible and how each of its parts collectively tell one grand Story. Engaging with both ancient history and the personal events depicted in Scripture provides a unique perspective for readers of the Bible. By treating the whole world of Scripture as a cohesive story, hidden insights and spiritual jewels will begin to emerge.
Zach Keele is one of my favorite preachers. In exposing the rich terrain of the passage he has the skills of an archaeologist, reminds us of the big picture like a master story-teller, and touches the heart like a good pastor. This book will lead you to love and understand God and his Word more than ever before.
—Michael Horton, professor, Westminster Seminary California
“The covenantal name that flies like a banner over Israel’s redemption from slavery, their deliverances in the desert, and the glory cloud that crowned Sinai is Yahweh, Yahweh-Elohim.” (Page 9)
“In the ancient Near East, a covenant at base was a promissory oath to do something sealed in a name of a god to ensure its fulfillment. This oath invoked the god’s name to punish the one who broke her promise. And with Yahweh, since his word is unbreakable, all of his utterances were considered to have the value of an oath.” (Page 18)
“With this we land upon a key principle in reading Genesis and all of Scripture: faith must be expressed as believing the Lord’s promises. If the Lord promises a land, faith moves to that land. If God pledges to save you from a flood, trust builds a boat.” (Page 24)
“In the Torah, Israel is learning about Yahweh and how to love and worship him alone.” (Page 9)
“Finally, these temple gardens had to be cared for and protected” (Page 19)
Zach Keele has been the pastor of Escondido Orthodox Presbyterian Church since 2003. He has also been a lecturer at Westminster Seminary California since 2004 in Greek, Hebrew, English Bible Survey, and speech.