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Snubbing God: The High Cost of Rejecting God's Created Order

ISBN: 9781683591405

Digital Logos Edition

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Confusion abounds in a world bent on rejecting a loving Creator’s guidance on a life well lived. Snubbing God shows how biblical wisdom is opposed by a secular view that has at its heart a fundamental misunderstanding or outright disregard for God’s creation and how he has designed it.

Some of the issues Kuligin explores as a result of rebuffing God include gay marriage, abortion, climate change, animal rights, and evolution. Though pointing out the weaknesses of a secular viewpoint, the author provides convincing arguments for why living the way the Creator designed it leads to a rich and satisfying life.

Praise for Snubbing God

Victor Kuligin clearly describes and valiantly defends biblical standards concerning marriage, homosexuality, transgenderism, and more. His chapter on the problems of Darwinism is particularly valuable at a time when macro-evolutionary thinking is making inroads even at Christian colleges.

—Marvin Olasky, editor in chief, World Magazine

Snubbing God is strong medicine. The reader will find it challenging at points—morally and intellectually. Few will agree with everything in it. Yet Dr. Kuligin has no desire to only preach to a choir, though certainly encouraging the saints is part of his aim. He is trying to get us to pull up short, to think, to reconsider the marvelous truths, and righteous demands, of the Bible and of its Author upon us.

—David J. Ayers, Dean, Alva J. Calderwood School of Arts and Letters; Professor of Sociology, Grove City College

Top Highlights

“Young earth creation (YEC) claims that by moving from Adam’s creation and adding up the biblical genealogies found in Genesis 5 and 10 and elsewhere, the earth is about six thousand years old. This plain reading of Scripture appeals to me, but it butts up against science’s conclusions. Is there a way to reconcile the two?” (Page 49)

“Naturalism has led in our day to homosexual marriage, abortion on Holocaust levels, ‘mercy’ killing, and sex change operations, among numerous innovations that threaten to erase human dignity and personhood. More ‘progress’ we can barely imagine awaits us in the near future.” (Page 10)

“Whereas death is a punishment meted out by a holy God, in evolutionary theory it is the grease that gets the system flowing. Without death there is no natural selection, and without natural selection you cannot have Darwinian evolution. The elegant beauty of an intelligent Maker who merely speaks and the world obeys is replaced with a blind mechanism that takes billions of years to spit out what God did in an afternoon.” (Page 76)

“Instead of being free to serve God, humanity was free to serve itself, which is just another form of enslavement; humans focused solely on themselves are self-destructive.” (Page 32)

“Across the board, we are reminded of the late Francis Schaeffer’s famous observation that the modern church has become addicted to personal peace and prosperity.” (Page 9)


  • Foreword by David J. Ayers
  • Defining the Conditions of the Debate
  • God’s Created Order and Scientific Enterprise: Its Philosophical Underpinning
  • God’s Created Order and Scientific Enterprise: Its Practical Outworking
  • God’s Created Order and Evolutionary Theory: A Theological Perspective
  • God’s Created Order and Evolutionary Theory: A Scientific Perspective
  • God’s Created Order and the Sanctity of Life
  • God’s Created Order and the Environment
  • God’s Created Order and Gender Roles
  • God’s Created Order and Sexual Morality
  • God’s Created Order and Homosexuality
  • God’s Created Order and Marriage

Product Details

  • Title: Snubbing God: The High Cost of Rejecting God's Created Order
  • Author: Victor Kuligin
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2017
  • Pages: 256
  • Format: Logos Digital, Paperback
  • Trim Size: 6x9
  • ISBN: 9781683591405

About Victor Kuligin

Victor Kuligin (D.Th., University of Stellenbosch, South Africa) is the author of Ten Things I Wish Jesus Never Said and The Language of Salvation. Since 2010, he has been academic dean and lecturer at the Bible Institute of South Africa. Prior to this, he performed the same duties at Namibia Evangelical Theological Seminary.


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